Achieving leadership and equality in a COVID19 world

2021-03-31T13:20:38+00:00March 26th, 2021|

The global outbreak of COVID-19 continues to create significant challenges for everyone. For leaders operating at different levels of the economy, it has become a double-edged sword. This year, the GraƧa Machel Trust joined the rest of the world in commemorating International Women's Day under the theme Women in leadership.Ā We asked women in our networks

GraƧa Machel challenges private sectors to include more women leadership positions

2021-02-24T09:45:27+00:00February 24th, 2021|

Private sectors in Africa are more innovative and dynamic than ever before. At the same time, its youth are plugged-in and eager to become full-fledged members of the globalised world. African women have gradually taken on a more significant role than ever before in the economic sphere, winning, with patience and determination, an ever-growing number

The Africa we want. Messages from the voices of adolescent girls.

2021-03-01T08:18:48+00:00February 24th, 2021|

One in every four adolescent girls in the world lives in Sub-Saharan Africa. If well nurtured, they will be integral in Africa's social transformation and economic development. In the last few months, Mrs. GraƧa Machel has focused on developing a movement focused on nurturing African adolescent girls' innate power.Ā  Ā  Photo credit: Annie-Spratt

Adjusting to Covid-19: Stories from Uganda Series: Of E-Agribusiness opportunities and unlawful evictions

2020-12-03T08:49:28+00:00December 3rd, 2020|

Immaculate Atwine, from Ntungamo District western Uganda, is an Agri-business women entrepreneur, specializing in processing pure millet flour for porridge and ghee from cow milk. Her company Nepstat Limited, like most companies, suffered several setbacks due to the lockdowns enforced by the government early in the year.Ā  Ā  Millet, image by Couleur, Pixabay.

Statement by GraƧa Machel Trust condemning violence in Ethiopia, Mozambique and Uganda

2020-11-24T15:55:33+00:00November 24th, 2020|

Ā  Ā  The GraƧa Mache Trust is gravely concerned by, the ongoing violence in Ethiopia, Mozambique and Uganda. We are especially concerned about the adverse short and long term effects the current unrests are having on women and children. Ā  Research by UN Women reveals that Violence not only has negative consequences for women but

Adjusting to Covid-19: Stories from Uganda-Donā€™t Cry over Spilt Milk

2020-11-18T15:16:11+00:00November 18th, 2020|

Ā  ā€˜Tokabiila maata gayiiseā€™Ā is a Luganda saying that loosely translates to ā€˜do not cry over spilt milkā€™, and encourages people to cut their losses and move on.Ā Salmah Dusman, is one of the businesswomen affected by the COVID ā€“ 19 national lockdown in Uganda. Her story is one of resilience and focuses on productivity while forging

Not business as usual post COVID-19: Bringing womenā€™s voices to the centre

2020-10-30T13:58:14+00:00October 30th, 2020|

COVID-19 lockdowns continue to impact the lives of everyone. In African economies, the women in informal economies have been the most affected with many of their businesses closing and others struggling to survive. In August this year, New Faces New Voices Nigeria conducted a study COVID-19 impact study featuring vulnerable women in marginalized communities in

Journalism should be about service above self ā€“ Award-winning WIMN member Ruth Kanyanga Kamwi

2020-10-13T13:28:14+00:00October 13th, 2020|

Ā  Award-winning WIMN member Ruth Kanyanga Kamwi Ā  Ruth Kanyanga KamwiĀ is the Deputy Assignments Editor ā€“ Community News for the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) and a member of the GraƧa Machel Trust Women in Media Network. She has worked for ZNBC for 20 as a radio and TV producer, as well as

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