Private sectors in Africa are more innovative and dynamic than ever before. At the same time, its youth are plugged-in and eager to become full-fledged members of the globalised world. African women have gradually taken on a more significant role than ever before in the economic sphere, winning, with patience and determination, an ever-growing number of decision-making positions. Their role in the continent’s response to the crisis will be decisive.



The year 2020 was closed off with the Women Working for Change Digital Summit, whose focus was “Imagine tomorrow. Change Today”. The summit brought together over 400 prominent African women leaders who demonstrated how Africa is not the same “hopeless continent” it was 20 years ago. Mrs Graça Machel was part of the discussion and gave a keynote address that engaged the audience on how the pandemic has affected Africa’s women representation in higher positions. She said, “We need to challenge the private sector! We can’t just talk in the abstract. We have to be very concrete. It’s in the private sector interest to have women in leadership positions. Time of change is now!”


Mrs Graça Machel also emphasised the importance of not making generic recommendations “Focus on a few countries and put specific objectives to support women’s development”. She added that it is essential to address contextual challenges and have specific solutions that target African problems.


She challenged the private sector to be more concrete and stop talking in “abstract” when addressing women leadership roles. She added, “It is in private sector interest to have women in leadership positions. The time of change is now! … “We should be bolder, more strategic, more practical. We need to change radically to accelerate women leadership in African societies and economies”.


Among other things, the panel discussed weak health systems and food insecurity and which has been caused by the pandemic. Watch WFC Women Working for Change Summit here.