Open Letter on the impact of COVID-19 on African women: bold actions to mitigate and drive meaningful reconstruction efforts

2020-06-18T13:49:49+00:00June 18th, 2020|

  An Open Letter by: Graça Machel, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Dr. Vera Songwe, Maria Ramos   “Times of Unprecedented Crisis Present Unique Opportunities for Unprecedented Action”   COVID 19 has unearthed massive inequalities within our societies and brought to glaring light the unique burdens which women carry the world over. Allocation of response

African Women and Girls Shaping the Policy Discourse of the COVID-19 pandemic response

2020-05-27T10:16:56+00:00May 21st, 2020|

    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic the Graça Machel Trust (GMT) has launched the Ilizwi (the voice): African Women and Children shaping policy discourse of the COVID-19 pandemic response. The initiative is driven by a growing need to have context-specific responses in order to mitigate the adverse impact of the pandemic and to

Celebrating the Legacy of Graça Machel

2020-03-16T13:31:47+00:00March 16th, 2020|

  Johannesburg- South Africa, 13 March:  The Graça Machel Trust (GMT) welcomes the recent recognition of its Founder Mrs. Graça Machel as one of Forbes Africa top 50 Influential women in Africa!   Machel graced the cover of the March Edition of Forbes Africa and was honoured last week for her role as one of

Combating Sexual Exploitation of Children in Africa: A Symposium

2019-12-13T13:27:40+00:00November 27th, 2019|

27 November 2019 -- Maputo, Mozambique Mrs Graca Machel Speech    Good morning!   Let me begin by welcoming you all to my home of Mozambique!  A very warm welcome to Maputo, especially to our guests who have come from afar to attend this symposium as well as my colleagues from the International Board of

Graça Machel Trust launches the Women Creating Wealth Programme in South Africa  

2019-11-20T08:24:43+00:00November 20th, 2019|

20 November, 2019   The Graça Machel Trust is bringing the Women Creating Wealth Entrepreneurship Development Programme to South Africa. Women Creating Wealth is a Pan-African initiative that has significantly grown the businesses and positively impacted the entrepreneurial behaviours, skills, and confidence of women entrepreneurs.   The programme that has been tested in three African

The Elders back NHI health reforms in South Africa to build social solidarity

2019-09-03T13:07:46+00:00September 3rd, 2019|

CAPE TOWN, 3 September 2019   The Elders today expressed their support for the National Health Insurance (NHI) reforms proposed by South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa, and urged all stakeholders to act with ambition and urgency to improve publicly-funded healthcare and build social solidarity.   Graça Machel, Deputy Chair of The Elders, Gro Harlem Brundtland,

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