Igniting Change: Highlights from the pan-African Adolescent Girls’ Jubilee

2024-08-08T13:20:03+00:00March 27th, 2024|

  On March 19, 2024, the Graça Machel Trust's Adolescent Girls Movement Programme hosted its 3rd annual Pan African Adolescent Girls Jubilee. The hybrid event provided a significant dialogue and connected over 250  high-spirited adolescent girls and young women aged 10 to 20 in five African countries to address some of the most pressing issues

Leveraging Insights from the Back 2 School Research Study for Informed Stakeholder Action

, 2023-11-08T13:52:18+00:00November 2nd, 2023|

Education is the cornerstone of a brighter future. Nevertheless, the world continues to grapple with a pressing challenge: the high number of out-of-school children. According to a UNICEF report, in 2022 alone, more than 244 million children worldwide were not attending school, with girls being disproportionately affected. Sub-Saharan Africa bears the heaviest burden of this global education

From Evidence to Action: Unleashing the Potential of the Back2School Project

2023-08-02T08:48:30+00:00August 2nd, 2023|

Credit: GMT/Domtila Chesang   Education is a fundamental and widely recognised human right, yet UNESCO estimates that over 60 million children are missing out on primary education. Behind these staggering numbers lie the untold stories of children whose potential remains untapped, dreams left unfulfilled, and futures clouded by inequality. It is within this context of

African adolescent girls should be able to speak up collectively and powerfully to make well-informed decisions

2023-03-30T13:06:43+00:00March 30th, 2023|

The Adolescent Movement, an initiative of the Graça Machel Trust, is impacting the advocacy agenda for African young girls. With a focus on sexual reproductive health, leadership, mentoring and confidence development, the Movement is bringing together generations to bridge the gap. In February 2023, the Movement hosted its SHE SPEAKS Meeting, a hybrid event to

Protecting Children is Our Collective Responsibility

, 2022-06-16T06:41:29+00:00June 16th, 2022|

“We should be respectful, but we must also have the courage to stop harmful practices that impoverish girls, women and their communities” - Graça Machel, Founder - The Graça Machel Trust     The Day of the African Child (DAC) is celebrated annually on June 16. It was first initiated by the Organisation of African

African governments urged to stamp out the horror of witchcraft accusations against children

2022-05-31T09:19:41+00:00May 31st, 2022|

  Addis Ababa, May 31 2022 - Witchcraft accusations and ritual attacks against African children are hidden and ignored, yet are one of the most gruesome forms of violence against children.   New research from African Child Policy Forum (ACPF) shows that every year, thousands of African children are accused of witchcraft and suffer ritual

Bold actions need to be made to strengthen commitments toward Homegrown school feeding programmes

, 2022-10-03T10:11:20+00:00April 4th, 2022|

Photo: Graça Machel Trust Archive   The 7th African Day of School Feeding is celebrated on 01 March 2022 to ensure that the COVID pandemic does not reverse the gains made in 2019, which saw 65.4million children receiving school meals on the African Continent. An unprecedented increase of 71% compared to 2013 was

Research project to get rural girls in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania back into school

2022-07-18T09:18:29+00:00April 4th, 2022|

Scaling up accelerating learning models for out-of-school children According to UNESCO, over 97 million children in Africa are out of school, and 52 million are girls, and this number continues to grow with the rising demand for education. Still, these millions of children face an uncertain future as their economic and social prospects become daunting2. In addition, Africa is

Climate change will ultimately impact every child: We need to act Now!

, 2022-03-31T15:46:57+00:00March 31st, 2022|

Reportedly, over half a billion children live in extremely high flood occurrence zones; nearly 160 million live in high or extremely high drought severity zones. While it is true that climate change will ultimately impact every child, these children are already in harm’s way and face some of the most immediate risks. There is a

Early Childhood Education (ECD) is the foundational bedrock of human capital development- Graça Machel

2021-12-02T07:31:16+00:00December 2nd, 2021|

Early childhood development (ECD) is recognised and entrenched within the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 and African Union (AU) Agenda 2063.  Aspirations- An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially its women and youth, and caring for children, and the SDGs prioritise ending all forms of poverty, malnutrition, preventable

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