The brighter side of COVID19: Graça Machel looks at opportunities the pandemic has brought

2020-06-29T14:16:07+00:00June 29th, 2020|

  Photo Credit: Zach Vessels   The COVID19 has brought about so many uncertenities around the world and the negative impact of the pandemic can not be ignored. During this years' RELX SGD Inspiration Day, Mrs. Graça Machel brought in inspirations and looked at positive examples of the COVId-19 pandemic. She focused on climate change and vaccines.

Mrs. Graça Machel Opens the 2020 SDG Inspiration Day

2023-02-08T12:17:17+00:00June 26th, 2020|

  Dr. Marcia Balisciano, Global Head of Corporate Responsibility- RELX and Mrs. Graça Machel, Founder - Graca Machel Trust and SDG Advocate   The Graça Machel Trust (GMT) founder and also UN SGD Advocate, Mrs. Graça Machel on Wednesday, 24 June delivered the keynote address at the 2020 SGD Inspiration Day. The event,

Open Letter on the impact of COVID-19 on African women: bold actions to mitigate and drive meaningful reconstruction efforts

2020-06-18T13:49:49+00:00June 18th, 2020|

  An Open Letter by: Graça Machel, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Dr. Vera Songwe, Maria Ramos   “Times of Unprecedented Crisis Present Unique Opportunities for Unprecedented Action”   COVID 19 has unearthed massive inequalities within our societies and brought to glaring light the unique burdens which women carry the world over. Allocation of response

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