Network of African Business Women (NABW)
The Network for African Business Women (NABW) is currently the biggest network in terms of membership. Launched in 2011 the movement aims to strengthen business womenâs associations, identify existing business women and turn them into growth-oriented entrepreneurs. The network provides an effective platform for women to freely, equitably and effectively participate in the economic development of their countries through the establishment of sustainable business ventures and strong support organisations.
Ours is a national and regional umbrella body of business associations that seek to represent and serve the interests of business women across sectors.
There are 10 NABW and affiliate countries; Burundi, DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Each of these countries has an independent programme of activities that are carried out in collaboration with the Trust. Our data shows that network size at country level ranges from 2 000 members in Uganda to 250 000 members in Kenya. Sectors represented in the country networks include agribusiness, manufacturing, services, textiles, crafts, trade, tourism, mining and construction. Ours is a national and regional umbrella body of business associations that seek to represent and serve the interests of business women across sectors.
Country and Partner Networks

Our working pillars below drives our collaboration with the networks in addressing the common challenges they face, i.e., access to skills, markets, information and finance. Given our collective approach, we are leveraging the numbers to do advocacy and increase opportunities for businesswomen through sector value chain and cluster development. And other 3 pillars form part of the ecosystem of support interventions identified through our research with the networks for effective enterprise network building.
The 5 pillars that drive our work are:
Building entrepreneur capacity and growing businesses
Challenges faced by women entrepreneurs negatively impact their capability and capacity to grow their businesses, leading to them not being able to realise their full potential and become meaningful contributors of job creation and Africaâs socio-economic development.
Gaining insights of the barriers women face from its NABW membership, the Trust established Women Creating Wealth (WCW), an enterprise development programme to directly tackle these challenges.
Women Creating Wealth is an holistic one-year programme focused on key strategies such as; detecting business opportunities and planning for sustainable growth; improving efficiency and quality of their service offering and improving decision making by utilising multiple sources of information within their business operations and broader environment. The programme is being jointly offered in partnership with the United Nations Convention for Developmentâs (UNCTAD) Empretec initiative.
Offered in Zambia, Tanzania and Malawi