Making a donation

If you would like to make a donation towards the work of the Graça Machel Trust, please email us on and we will get back to you.

U.S.-based donors can make tax deductible contributions to the “Friends of the Graca Machel Trust” at the King Baudouin Foundation United States (KBFUS). Because KBFUS is a public charity, within the meaning of Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) of the IRC, donors may claim the maximum tax benefits allowed by U.S. tax law for their contributions.

  • Gifts by check: Address your check to KBFUS, write “Friends of the Graca Machel Trust” in the memo section of the check, and send it to KBFUS at 10 Rockefeller Plaza, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10020
  • Gifts by credit card
  • Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property: Contact KBFUS via email at  or phone (212) 713-7660.

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