Insights from the Expert Leaders Groups’ East African Community Regional convening on women’s financial inclusion

2024-09-03T04:26:39+00:00August 14th, 2024|

    On July 25, 2024, the Graça Machel Trust, in partnership with New Faces New Voices networks from Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda, hosted the East African Community Regional Convening on Women's Financial Inclusion in Kampala, Uganda. The hybrid event, "Digital Finance: Promoting Accountability for Women's Financial Inclusion," attracted over 450 participants, including experts,

The Graça Machel Trust expert leaders’ in financial inclusion to tackle gender disparities in digital finance

2024-07-23T18:58:45+00:00July 23rd, 2024|

Press release   Kampala, Uganda – 25 July 2024 – The Graça Machel Trust, in collaboration with New Faces New Voices (NFNV) networks from Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda, will host the East African Community (EAC) Regional Convening on Women's Financial Inclusion in the Digital Economy. This hybrid event, themed "Digital Finance: Promoting Accountability for

FĂłrum Global de AgronegĂłcios da Datagro – Graça Machel

2024-07-02T18:44:33+00:00July 2nd, 2024|

28 de Junho de 2024 - São Paulo, Brasil Agradeço aos nossos anfitriþes da Datagro pelo convite que me foi endereçado de forma tão graciosa para participar deste importante fórum. Agradeço em particular o: Plinio Nastari, Presidente da Datagro; e Guilherme Benchimol, Presidente do Conselho de Administração da XP   Nota de solidariedade Em primeiro

Women Creating Wealth honours Tanzania’s emerging entrepreneurs at graduation event

2024-06-10T11:10:00+00:00June 10th, 2024|

  After 10 months of dedicating time and energy to learn, challenge themselves, try business solutions they never had before, 34 women entrepreneurs met to celebrate and be celebrated by others on June 6th. These Women Creating Wealth (WCW) Tanzania programme participants graduated at an event held in Dar er Salaam signaling the end of

Graça Machel Trust’s Women Creating Wealth and Stanbic Tanzania collaborate to elevate female entrepreneurs

2024-05-31T14:11:01+00:00May 31st, 2024|

    Yesterday, 30th May 2024 the Graça Machel Trust’s Women Creating Wealth programme in collaboration with Stanbic Biashara Incubator, hosted a Women, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Masterclass for women entrepreneurs, in the spirit of fostering women's economic and social advancement.     Ms. Fauzia Malik,the CEO of Cool Blue talking at the fireside chat

How Our New Faces New Voices Mentorship Programme Contributes to Financial Inclusion for African Women

2024-05-23T08:43:11+00:00May 23rd, 2024|

Highlights from the Lead Circle NFNV Mentorship Programme   Our 2017 research, Growth Barriers Faced by Women Entrepreneurs, highlighted a concerning statistic: less than 30% of senior management roles in Sub-Saharan Africa were held by women, despite evidence that gender-diverse leadership teams significantly enhanced profitability and value creation. This disparity underscored an urgent need for initiatives

Reflecting on the launch of the new Women Creating Wealth Agricultural Value Chains Programme

2024-04-15T08:24:08+00:00April 15th, 2024|

On the 4th April 2024, the Women Creating Wealth team proudly unveiled its Agricultural Value Chains Programme in collaboration with the University of Johannesburg Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development (CCRED) and with support from the European Union. This programme aims to create an enabling environment for women-owned and operated businesses in agricultural sector

Opening doors for women in farming: Key highlights from the Fair4All project workshop

2024-04-10T06:57:40+00:00April 10th, 2024|

The Graça Machel Trust team recently visited Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa, to host a two-day capacity-building workshop for women-owned small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs). The workshop provided the space for an enhanced understanding of land ownership and essential skills in financial literacy and business planning.     Women engaging during the dialogue

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