Adjusting to Covid-19: Stories from Uganda Series: Of E-Agribusiness opportunities and unlawful evictions

2020-12-03T08:49:28+00:00December 3rd, 2020|

Immaculate Atwine, from Ntungamo District western Uganda, is an Agri-business women entrepreneur, specializing in processing pure millet flour for porridge and ghee from cow milk. Her company Nepstat Limited, like most companies, suffered several setbacks due to the lockdowns enforced by the government early in the year.    Millet, image by Couleur, Pixabay.

Women Moving Mountains: WIMN Champion Renee Ngamau honoured

2020-10-12T17:55:10+00:00October 12th, 2020|

  “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” African Proverb.   Graça Machel Trust Women in Media Champion & Amnesty International Kenya’s Chairperson and advocate, Renee Ngamau was recently honoured for her dedication as a human rights defender to protect public land. Renee received

Access to quality and safe education is at continued risk: Graça Machel, UNGA75

2020-09-22T08:12:49+00:00September 22nd, 2020|

"Girls are not going to school; they are just sitting at home. Some are coming of age. Parents are facing an uncertain future due to loss of income caused by the coronavirus, so they are having the girls cut[go through female genital mutilation] and will marry them off," said Domtila Chesang in an anti-FGM campaigner

Education Post Covid-19: If children lose out, we all lose out.

2020-09-17T10:29:49+00:00September 17th, 2020|

  Photo Credit: Zach Vessels   The COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a health crisis. When it began to escalate worldwide, many countries to protect students, closed schools, colleges and universities. Since then the pandemic has brought unprecedented educational disruption with 1.2 billion students and youth across the continent affected due to

Gender-Based Violence survivors are agents of change

2020-09-17T10:09:23+00:00September 16th, 2020|

    Photo by cottonbro from Pexels   Gender-based violence (GBV) is a public health issue that affects all members of society, but more significantly women and girls. GBV includes physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, psychological abuse and economic or educational deprivation. The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a lot of women and children worldwide

AGRF calls for an urgent need to transform food systems in Africa

2020-09-15T07:40:49+00:00September 15th, 2020|

Eliminate the hoe and replace with simple, accessible agricultural technologies. It has to be part of the “industrialisation” of Africa!- Graça Machel   "Women need to be at the forefront of agricultural industrialisation, at the decision-making table and throughout the value chain, including in the development of better farming technologies as African women are still using a farming

COVID-19 has given us a chance to reshape and reposition ourselves

2021-02-25T09:28:46+00:00September 3rd, 2020|

Nine years ago Jackie Bouvier bore a dream, the Black Philanthropy Month (BPM); a global celebration, revival and mobilization of Black giving in all its forms to advance black communities everywhere. Her dream has since been endorsed by over 30 governmental bodies including the United Nations declaring every August Black Philanthropy Month. To date, 17

African’s contributions are missing in efforts to solve the continent’s most pressing issues

, 2020-07-22T10:52:50+00:00July 22nd, 2020|

Philanthropy is an effective tool in promoting sustainable giving in Africa           When Covid-19 broke out in Africa, two non-African billionaires, Jack Ma and Bill Gates, were among the first to donate masks, PPE’s, and other resources to support the fight against the pandemic across the African continent. Whilst their generosity

The brighter side of COVID19: Graça Machel looks at opportunities the pandemic has brought

2020-06-29T14:16:07+00:00June 29th, 2020|

  Photo Credit: Zach Vessels   The COVID19 has brought about so many uncertenities around the world and the negative impact of the pandemic can not be ignored. During this years' RELX SGD Inspiration Day, Mrs. Graça Machel brought in inspirations and looked at positive examples of the COVId-19 pandemic. She focused on climate change and vaccines.

Mrs. Graça Machel Opens the 2020 SDG Inspiration Day

2023-02-08T12:17:17+00:00June 26th, 2020|

  Dr. Marcia Balisciano, Global Head of Corporate Responsibility- RELX and Mrs. Graça Machel, Founder - Graca Machel Trust and SDG Advocate   The Graça Machel Trust (GMT) founder and also UN SGD Advocate, Mrs. Graça Machel on Wednesday, 24 June delivered the keynote address at the 2020 SGD Inspiration Day. The event,

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