The Graça Machel Trust is a vibrant organisation which gives employees room to be creative and find new innovative ways to push forward our agenda. Working at the Trust, you will be joining a culturally diverse community of people beaming with ideas on how to make an impact in the lives of women and children across the African continent.

“Working for the GMT has opened a World of possibilities for me, from Influencing policy to being part of implementing these same policies. That coupled with the wealth of experience from the GMT staff, has been a professional dream come true”

I have only been with the Trust for 16 months, yet it feels as if I have always been a part of the Graca Machel Trust family. Working for the Trust has been a wonderful and life-changing experience for me. The best expe rience has been discovering the potential and strength that lies within me. I consider myself blessed to be surrounded by a family which allows me to make mistakes and learn from them, a family which pushes me to leave a foot print in the lives of the people I touch and above all a family which allows me to be me.

Working at The Graca Machel Trust has provided me with so many opportunities to different media networks nationally and regionally. I have worked on campaigns and seen the impact that the Trust has had on the broader community, and that has inspired me to do so much more.
Note: The Graça Machel trust does not ask for money at any point during the recruitment process. Any recruitment process which asks for money should be regarded as fraudulent.