“Why has society normalized inequality in all aspects of life?” Graça Machel
Everyday inequality-related issue contributes to the
Closing the gender financing gap: women’s leadership for financial inclusion
The Graça Machel Trusts' Uganda Chapter,
More technology-enabled businesses are needed in the investor market
The Graça Machel Trusts' Gender Lens
Finally, a spark of hope in women’s financial inclusion
The Graça Machel Trust was established
Protecting Children is Our Collective Responsibility
“We should be respectful, but we
Bridging the Gender Gap and Digitising Informal Markets
The Digital gender gap continues to
African governments urged to stamp out the horror of witchcraft accusations against children
Addis Ababa, May 31 2022
Why we need to Promote Female Leadership in Financial Sectors
Africa continues to be positioned as
Bold actions need to be made to strengthen commitments toward Homegrown school feeding programmes
Photo: Graça Machel Trust Archive