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So far rachel-toku-appiah has created 0 blog entries.

Quality vs Quantity: How portions and quality of food is affecting our health

2019-11-12T09:05:59+00:00November 12th, 2019|

What's in the food? The month of October saw a lot of attention given to food, particularly around World Food Day, (WFD) that falls on 16th October of each year. And also, it is good to see that on the continent, we will be commemorating Africa Day of Food and Nutrition Security (ADFNS) on 30th

Study shows nine African countries are not investing enough in nutrition

2018-08-23T07:50:38+00:00August 22nd, 2018|

  CARE International and the Graça Machel Trust (GMT) through the East and Southern Africa Civil Society Nutrition Network (ESA CSN) jointly commissioned a study to establish baseline national budget nutrition commitments and expenditures. The study, East and Southern Africa (ESA) National Budget Commitment to Nutrition, clearly shows not enough is being spent on nutrition.

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