In line with World Food Programme (WFP’s) School Feeding Strategy (2020-2030) and its Southern Africa Regional Bureau (RBJ), SADC and government commitment to strengthen the implementation of school feeding programmes, WFP entered into an advocacy partnership with the Graça Machel Trust.  Through this partnership, WFP will leverage the Trus’t’s expertise and experience in nutrition and the political capital of the Trust’s Founder, Mrs Graça Machel, to advocate for the integration of Nutrition into School Feeding Programmes and open doors for regional and national engagement to position School Feeding Programmes as a National priority which requires increase budgetary allocation and public investment.


Joint efforts will also be made to push for an increased commitment to School Feeding Programme by the African Union and the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The Round Table discussion allowed WFP and the Trust at the management level to identify critical areas and issues for the envisaged collaborative advocacy actions. The round table discussion participants included WFP staff from Headquarters, Regional Beraux, Country offices (Cos) and The Trust’s staff.


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