“Each of you young people is doing amazing work, but alone you are a drop. You must join with others to become a river and then an ocean.”- Graça Machel.



On the 1st of December, 2018 Mrs. Machel gave an interview to Loyiso Madinga at the Goalkeepers event. The interview session titled “The role of young people in driving progress” happened during her participation in the Goalkeepers event in Johannesburg. Mrs Machel was privileged with the opportunity to engage with global leaders that are driving progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and to build enthusiasm for what young people can achieve when they have the voice and the power.


She led one of three key sessions at Goalkeepers which focused on movement building and she spoke passionately about what it means to be a Goalkeeper in Africa. This inspired the young leaders to take action and be proactive in their roles as advocates for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She told the Goalkeepers that they must create change, but the change cannot be created alone and added that movements of young people that are pushing the SDGs should be built. She also encouraged everyone to become a Goalkeeper to ensure that SDGs are achieved highlighting that this also requires partnerships, political will, innovation, and disruptive but constructive activism by all especially the youth and women.


“Society leaves girls and women behind; it is like killing half of a person’s body. We are crippling our societies. This generation of young people can change that.”- Mrs. Graça Machel.



The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation started the Goalkeepers as a catalyst for the action towards the Sustainable Development Goals to achieve a better world by 2030. Goalkeepers bring together global leaders to accelerate progress towards ending poverty and fight against inequality, highlight progress achieved towards achieving this, hold governments accountable and bring together a new generation of leaders to address the world’s major challenges. Welcoming the delegates, Mark Suzman, chief strategy officer and president of global policy and advocacy at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation said the event has taken place in New York and in a number of other places but the place that matters most is Africa, and added that “We have to take this from being abstract goals to something that feels very concrete to every individual.”


UN deputy secretary-general Amina Mohammed, was also present at the event and she said “When we came to design the sustainable development goals, we looked at what we can do differently. The process was inclusive and everyone participated.


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