AWAB members sign a 10,000 metric tonne deal at Trade and Investment Forum

26th to 27th July, 2018, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania



The African Women in Agribusiness (AWAB) network members from Malawi traveled to Tanzania to participate in a Tanzania-Malawi Trade and Investment Forum that was held on 26th to 27th July, 2018 in Dar-es-Salaam. While there, the AWAB Malawi team met the Vice President of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan, and had the chance to explore various opportunities for demand for produce from the Africa Food Basket initiative in Malawi. The team signed a deal to supply 10,000 metric tonnes of soya to a Tanzania based Chinese company that will process them into oil. Currently, AWAB Malawi registered with ten seed companies that participated in the African Food Basket Pilot Project. The ten companies worked with 767 farmers in the 2017/18 farming season to produce 588 metric tones of soya beans, cow peas and common beans. AWAB has proudly identified markets and various distribution channels through which its members will trade their produce from this current farming season.


Partnering with the African Women Development Fund on an exciting project


We have partnered with the African Women Development Fund (AWDF) on a project to increase Access to Markets for Women in Agribusiness in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia. Building on the successes of the Women Creating Wealth and African Food Basket initiatives, the project will work with women in agribusiness to develop market access opportunities for their farm products and improve manufacturing practices to support effective and value added agro-processing.


Meanwhile, the Trust is rolling out a Women in Trade Programme in partnership with United Parcel Services (UPS). For the programme’s first initiative in this year, a West Africa Stakeholder meeting will take place in Senegal and will bring together Cross Border Trader institutions and key players in West Africa to establish association that will continue to work with NFNV-NIGERIA to drive policy changes and capacity building initiatives to advance women in cross border trade.


Strengthening the governance and leadership structures of our networks


The Trust’s networks have begun a two-year network strengthening project supported by the Ford Foundation that aims to strengthen our networks in six countries namely; Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The project focuses on supporting the formalisation of unregistered networks in the countries as well as strengthening governance, leadership and operational management of the networks.  The Trust’s networks in the six countries have been working together and have undergone capacity building processes that strengthen their fundraising mechanisms through joint fundraising strategies and developing proposals for individual and joint programme activities.


Read more on our Women’s Economic and Social Advancement programme