How Eleanor Ayuketah Ngochi is Transforming Africa’s Media Landscape

2024-04-18T16:42:09+00:00April 18th, 2024|

Changing the narrative, balancing stories to improve the lives of Africa's women and children positively: An interview with Eleanor Ayuketah Ngochi, a Women in Media Network Champion.   Eleanor Ayuketah Ngochi is a Cameroonian online journalist who has spent the past decade carving out a niche for herself in a challenging and transformative field. As

Reflecting on the launch of the new Women Creating Wealth Agricultural Value Chains Programme

2024-04-15T08:24:08+00:00April 15th, 2024|

On the 4th April 2024, the Women Creating Wealth team proudly unveiled its Agricultural Value Chains Programme in collaboration with the University of Johannesburg Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development (CCRED) and with support from the European Union. This programme aims to create an enabling environment for women-owned and operated businesses in agricultural sector

Financial inclusion: A conversation with Dr. Theopista Ntale Sekitto

2024-04-12T10:37:25+00:00April 12th, 2024|

"Working with the Trust made me appreciate the gap between the women who have a voice and the women who need our voice more."   Dr. Theopista Ntale Sekitto is among the few women at the centre of financial inclusion and social innovation in Uganda. As a seasoned banker, social entrepreneur, and philanthropist, Dr Sekitto

Opening doors for women in farming: Key highlights from the Fair4All project workshop

2024-04-10T06:57:40+00:00April 10th, 2024|

The Graça Machel Trust team recently visited Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa, to host a two-day capacity-building workshop for women-owned small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs). The workshop provided the space for an enhanced understanding of land ownership and essential skills in financial literacy and business planning.     Women engaging during the dialogue

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