Initiatives also need to focus on adolescent girls when investing in school feeding programmes

, 2022-07-21T11:13:34+00:00July 21st, 2022|

Africa is facing a crisis in education, but this is fundamentally a broader crisis in the condition of children. Over 97 million children in Africa are out of school; 52 million are girls. As the world emerges from the effects of COVID -19, these barriers have been compounded, leaving behind hundreds of thousands of African

“Why has society normalized inequality in all aspects of life?” Graça Machel

, 2022-07-17T07:00:11+00:00July 17th, 2022|

Everyday inequality-related issue contributes to the death of 21,300 people. And this is a conservative estimate of the victims resulting from hunger, extreme weather events due to warming, lack of health care, and violence against women. Furthermore, the hypocrisy we witness every day: we see how European refugees fleeing war are treated with decency and

Closing the gender financing gap: women’s leadership for financial inclusion

2022-07-14T13:33:13+00:00July 14th, 2022|

The Graça Machel Trusts' Uganda Chapter, which comprises women networks and partners, recently launched Gender Mainstreaming Standards for the COVID-19 Women's Leadership for Financial Inclusion (WLFI) and Economic Recovery project.   The network members from the Uganda chapter convened at the Imperial Royale Hotel in Kampala, Uganda on the 19th of May 2022, where women

More technology-enabled businesses are needed in the investor market

2022-07-14T12:13:16+00:00July 14th, 2022|

The Graça Machel Trusts' Gender Lens Investment Fund continues to drive innovative blended capital to early growth stage women-owned and led businesses in sectors where women are prevalent. While increasing efforts to build a track record in East and Southern African network activities, the Funds team led by Investment Director Andia Chakava, and Investment Analyst Jane

Finally, a spark of hope in women’s financial inclusion

2022-07-15T08:26:35+00:00July 11th, 2022|

The Graça Machel Trust was established in 2010 as a Pan-African advocacy organisation that tackles structural barriers to change the way public and private institutions address women and children’s rights. The Trust’s work is underpinned by the conviction that the development of the African continent hinges on I) the sustained and equitable participation of women

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