EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – Documenting Financial Inclusion Best Practices: Experiences of 60 Women Entrepreneurs in South Africa and Zambia

2022-04-25T07:24:38+00:00January 28th, 2022|

The aim of this report is to document best practices by taking a micro-level deep dive into why women entrepreneurs applying for 'missing middle' funding (i.e., in the range of USD 30 000– USD 500 000) more often fail than succeed. This report focuses on the demand and supply issues related to women entrepreneurs access

Funding the missing middle: market failure or untapped opportunity?

2022-01-17T07:00:52+00:00January 17th, 2022|

    By Andia Chakava and Eva Warigia   Women entrepreneurs make a substantial contribution to the economic growth of a country. While many are yet to achieve their full potential, female-led Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are vibrant through self-financing ‘chamas’ where they pool resources as a group of individuals for investments and loans

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