The diagnostic study on “Documenting Financial Inclusion Best Practices: Experience of 60 Women Entrepreneurs in South Africa and Zambia was undertaken by the Women’s Economic and Social Advancement (WESA) Programme at Graça Machel Trust (GMT) funded by the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF). GMT has played a leading role in amplifying women’s movements, influencing governance, and promoting women’s contributions and leadership in the economic, social and political development of Africa: and advocate for the protection of children’s rights and dignity.


We would like to extend our appreciation to the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) for supporting the Graça Machel Trust (GMT) with the grant to implement the project “Documenting Financial Inclusion Best Practices: Experience of 60 Women Entrepreneurs in South Africa and Zambia” that is driven by the Women’s Economic and Social Advancement Programme (WESA) at the Trust.


We would like to thank the women entrepreneurs from the Women Creating Wealth (WCW) Programme who have agreed to participate in the study by availing their time to share their experiences, challenges, successes and hopes in the survey and interview sessions. We would also like to thank representatives from various financial institutions who have given us their time to share insights and knowledge to enrich this study. We trust that the information shared in this study will contribute towards identifying best and emerging practices and existing gaps that will enable the Trust to develop evidence-based financial inclusion advocacy at country, regional and continental levels to promote gender-responsive strategies that are inclusive and place women at the forefront.


Finally, we would like to thank the WESA team and Women Creating Wealth (WCW) team for ensuring that this study is carried out successfully.


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