The Graça Machel Trust (GMT) partnered with the African Development Bank (AfDB) Independent Review Mechanism (IRM) on a webinar on accountability for Southern African civil society organizations (CSOs). The convening rallied CSOs from eight Southern African countries on 28 April 2021, discussing accountability and good governance in projects funded by multilateral development banks.

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In opening remarks, Vanessa Moungar, Director of the AfDB’s Gender, Women and Civil Society, said, “the role of CSOs in promoting principles of transparency and accountability, and in amplifying citizens’ voice and participation are key ingredients in achieving inclusive and sustainable development.”
This was echoed by Dr Shungu Gwarinda, the Acting CEO of GMT, which is also a member of AfDB’s civil society committee, said the issues around accountability and promoting the role of civil society organizations is at the core of GMT’s work. “We advocate for women and children to be at the top of Africa’s agenda, and our mission is around amplifying women’s movements, influencing governance, promoting women’s contributions and advocating for the protection of children’s rights and dignity.”
Dr Gwarinda also shared reflections on the importance of accountability and how the continent is behind on progress and milestones in achieving the sustainable development goals ( SDG 2030) and the Agenda 2063 aspirations and goals given the impact of the COVID19 pandemic.
Among the seven fundamental aspirations listed in Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want- the African Union’s (AU) shared 50-year development and transformation program for realizing the full potential of the continent- one stands out in its interconnectedness: “[a] Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law.” The key to Africa’s political and economic transformation in the next decade is found in this aspiration. Indeed, as former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said, “Good governance is perhaps the single most important factor in eradicating poverty and promoting development.” Foresight Africa Report, 2020.
Dr Gwarinda applauded the Banks efforts and commitments made in engaging CSO’s as a critical sector to enhance accountability and the impact of the Bank’s role in driving inclusive development. “We are pleased, as the Graça Machel Trust, to be a member of the Bank’s civil society organizations committee for 2020 /2022, a member of the renewed AfDB-CSO committee under the thematic lead on Gender,” she said.
Read more about the webinar here