GMT Child Rights Programme recently marked a phenomenal milestone after presenting the final revised version of its digital children’s learning platform HAKI 4 ALL Children to over 100 Children from across the Africa continent. This took place on March 12, 2021 during the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 18thACERWC CSO Forum Children’s Session.

Graca Machel Trust HAKI FOR ALL platform.
The online platform adds to the efforts made by the Trust’s programme to educate African children on their rights as enshrined on the African Children’s Charter, and to effectively make use of the local remedies and the ACERWC Complaints Procedures to respond to gross violations of their rights. It has been developed with support from Save the Children East & Southern African Regional Programming Unit (RPU) and has been made to be interactive to ensure children engage with it. The revised version of the platform has incorporated inputs from children from across Africa. These were obtained through virtual trainings conducted in 2020 and included inputs from the ACERWC and the Graça Machel Trust partners.
The Child Rights programme continues efforts to building awareness among African Children while increasing their knowledge of existing Child Rights Complaints Mechanisms, through the child-friendly digital platform. The platform has since been received as a positive development by different stakeholders as a tool that will help children navigate and engage with content about their rights. As a way to increase the number of children who gain more access to the training, the programme is in the process of getting an interactive print version training manual. This will further be translated into different languages, French and Arabic to accommodate children who do not have access to electronic devices. The HAKI 4 ALL Children is set to be launched during this years’ Day of African Child commemorations in June.