Equipping children with increased skills, knowledge about their rights and where to go and seek help whenever they feel their rights have been violated has always been a priority for the Trust. The year 2020 saw the Child Rights Programme make concerted efforts to empower and strengthen children’s capacity by developing and conducting training for the Child Rights Complaints Mechanism toolkit training to defend and help promote the rights of children as well as those of their peers. The team conducted virtual and in-person training with over 300 children from across 14 African countries, including South Africa, Kenya, Burundi, and Gabon.

Children from Alexandra township, South Africa, holding their Child Complaints Mechanisms Toolkits
Child rights experts; Save the Children, Rays of Hope, Mtoto News, Qhala and the ACERWC Secretariat, provided technical support that helped finalise the much-anticipated HAKI 4 ALL digital learning platform for children. This online portal will help children be aware of their rights as enshrined in the African Children’s Charter and learn the reporting mechanisms available in their respective countries.

Richard Montsho- GMT, Bertha- Rays of Hope and Caroline Makumbe- GMT.
Look out for more details on this fun and interactive child-friendly platform expected to build the capacity of an additional 10 000 children from the 5 regions of Africa and set to be launched in MARCH 2021.
Furthermore, the team successfully increased the knowledge and understanding of one hundred and fifty-five Civil Society Organisations’ representatives from the four Regional Child Rights Networks in Africa, notably East, South, West and Central Africa; Girls Not Bride’s Anglophone network and the Coalition for Community Based Organisations in Gauteng province of South Africa to defend and demand the rights of all children through the effective use of local and regional Child Rights Complaints mechanisms.
During these engagements, several child rights violations were identified with South Africa’ Community Based Organisations’ Network in Gauteng, collectively identifying 4 cases of children rights violations. These cases will be addressed through local remedies during the Trust’s 2021 fiscal year.