Graça Machel Trust (GMT) Founder, Mrs. Graça Machel has been nominated for this year’s Priyadarshini Academy’s Global Awards. Mrs. Machel has been honored with this prestigious award for her outstanding contribution to the Welfare of Women & Children.  She is nominated alongside Mr. José Angel Gurría, the Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Mr Børge Brende, the President of World Economic Forum (WEF). Mr Gurría and Mr Brende have been nominated for outstanding contribution to Global Economic Co-operation and Economic Welfare and Sustainable Growth respectively.


The trio among other nominated personalities in their respective fields will be recognised at the Priyadarshni Academy’s 36th Anniversary Global Awards, a virtual event which will take place on September 19 from 13h30 pm to 15h00 SAT. The Priyadarshni Academy’s Global Awards were launched in the year 1987. The internationally recognised Global Awards honours eminent personalities in social, cultural and educational fields who have made a significant contribution in their respective fields.


Mrs Machel’s dedication to championing the rights of women and children has also seen her named as one of the most powerful Pan-African women by Forbes Africa (2020) and one of Avance Media’s 2020 list of 100 Most Influential African Women.


Congratulations Mrs. Graça Machel!


Please note that the event will be broadcast Live on YouTube at