A conversation with Dr. Shungu Gwarinda: what NGO programmatic work will look like now. The Graça Machel Trust’s Interim CEO and Programmes Director shared some insights on what organisations that rely on donor funding can do to continue doing their programmatic work even with minimum funding during the COVID19 pandemic. This conversation took place during a series of Ilizwi (The Voice) Instagram Live Conversation Series that the Trust has embarked on as one part of its response to the COVID pandemic. She shared her views on what the world of NGOs can do to prepare for the world after COVID19.
Here are some of the key highlights from the conversation:
Focus on building strong partnerships and breaking the current silos that exist within the sector to allow for an expansion of equality
- In hindsight this will be important for the work that we have done in the past for the advocacy of equality or the realizations of certain rights. Mentioned that the rise of GBV cases have been exemplary of this.
- COVID – 19 has served to amplify the issue of inequality, governments will not be able to respond to all the issue, the impact these partnerships will bring is crucial.
- With the partnerships we must make sure that we are able to leverage each others strengths and weakness, for example, NGOs working with CBOs (the benefit of CBOs is that they are on the ground as such they can really be effective in being foot soldiers for NGOs programmatic work. CBOs are also really in touch of what is happening with the communities). Whilst NGOs have access to High Network Individuals so that the CBOs work can be known and can have exposure.
Resource mobilisation, not from the lens of monetary value but resource sharing in terms of what NGOs can offer one another
- Capacity building
- Sharing of best practises of how to adapt to current
- Reimaging together the new ways of running NGO’s
“The Trust has put several best practices in place. Since we are active in 16 countries and with the core of our work centred around the convening and connecting of the women in our networks. So, decisions made by the Trust will have a ripple effect on these networks, our partner organisations as well as our donors. The Trust was very intentional about having collaborative meetings with all stakeholders so as to ensure that the decisions that are taken are holistic in nature and make the Trust’s partner feel assured in their role in our work as we move forward. This way our partnerships have been strengthened as we are navigating this reality together”- Shungu Gwarinda.
What will NGOing look like in our new normal?
- NGOing will look like us reimagining a new world where we are intentional about having African solutions for African problems. What we can have as direction for us is the SDGs and Agenda 2063 goals on how we can
- Solutions and responses to COVID – 19 need to be sustainable and make considerations for a world without COVID – 19.

Dr. Shungu Gwarinda, GMT CEO