15th Southern Africa Civil Society Forum, from left to right; Vitumbiko Chinoko of CARE International, Tumaini Mikindo of PANITA (representing ESA CSN) and Francis Hale of FANRPAN
It was an exciting week as we joined our partners in nutrition CARE International, Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (
The side meeting was a mixture of people from all walks of life, the majority of whom had not heard of the information we shared, we had a robust Q&A session, the audience showing great interest in nutrition and climate issues. The presentations from all three speakers were in demand, the host requested that we forward them to the team and they will be disseminated to all participants in the SADC CNGOās database!
A second big win was that for the first time, Climate Change, Food and Nutrition have been included in the key policy positions being sent for consideration by the 39th Ordinary Summit of SADC Heads of State & Government. Indeed a good and productive SADC Civil Society Conference and an inspiring side meeting.
Some of the key advocacy asks for the SADC member states include:
- getting a commitment from member states to diversify agriculture from largely rain-fed system to investing in irrigation to increase food production
- invest in nutrition sensitive agriculture and nutrition sensitive development to deliver 80% of the nutrition outcomes
- commitment to invest to increase nutrition investment by 3% in the next 3 years
- review national budgets to provide resources for emergency food relief for affected communities