The East and Southern Africa Civil Society Nutrition Alliance (ESA CSN) launched the Nutrition Report in Antananarivo, Madagascar on the 26th of March,2019. With support from our partners CARE International, SUN Civil Society Network (SUN CSN) Secretariat and Global Citizen, the three-day event brings together 30 participants from nine ESA CSN countries. The report is a great advocacy tool that holds governments accountable to nutrition commitments that they made in their budgets. Read more on the report here
Below are some key highlights of the launch

ESA CSN Members in Antananarivo for the Madagascar launch of the ESA National Budget Commitment to Nutrition.

Vitu Chinoko representing CARE presenting the regional findings of the report. He presented an analogy: âIf we donât address issues of malnutrition in Africa, it is very unlikely that Africa will ever win the World Cup.â

A copy of the French version of the report focused on Madagascar.
Top policy recommendations that were made;
- Develop pathways to achieve 3% of nutrition budget in 3 years starting 2019 through integrated planning (#3in3)
- Call for transformation of agriculture system for dietary diversity and nutrition sensitive programming
- Make farm subsidy programmes climate and nutrition sensitive. Malabo #10% commitment to Agriculture and #1% for R+D
- Governments should leverage on donor support to nutrition and increase their share for sustainability of the results
- Exploit political will to institutionalize the nutrition agenda
- Investing in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and women empowerment

Presentation report on the Case of Madagascar was Water Aidâs Aurel Rabehanta who said, “We are calling for more investment in Nutrition and WASH national wide” she added the

Nutrition Programme Manager for Graça Machel Trust, Rachel Toku-Appiah commented that the partners must continue to use the currently available structures and resources and to avoid creating the burden of starting on new ways or reinventing the wheel.