Victoria Msowoya is a Managing Director of Homes Industries based in Karonga, Malawi. Home industries is an agri-processing business established in 2016 and deals in sunflower to produce cooking oil, peanut to produce peanut flour, lentils and to its range of products, has added processing and packaging of brown rice which is all sourced from local farmers.



This February, Home Industries pitched its brown rice to 265 Pitch an entrepreneurial platform. This platform saw the potential of the brown rice and invited Homes Industries to pitch its idea and product at the European Investment Bank and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management platform under the theme Agriculture, Food and Technology.


“While we are a profit-making organization, the initiative is driven by a quest to mitigate the high prevalence rate of non-communicable diseases and give people access to good quality food,” said Victoria Msowoya, Managing Director of Home Industries during a pitch presentation of her brown rice in Lilongwe, Malawi on 11th February 2019.


The brown rice is also a healthy option and will reduce ailments linked to poor diets. Victoria believes brown rice will also help the Malawi government save revenue as this product will reduce brown rice imports to Malawi.


Being a member of the Graça Machel Trust’s Women in Agribusiness has given me the visibility Homes Industries needs as well as a platform to not only advance our marketing but also impact on the many lives that we intend to help through our products. It has widened our network and linkages enabling us to make strides in our endeavours. Currently, we are in the process of accrediting our products for the wider market both locally and internationally. This means by end March we will be positioned to export our products.


Malawi today presents an exciting opportunity, as the market has seen an increased preference towards healthy eating and lifestyle. These products are not always readily available and it is this void Home Industries will attempt to fill with its products.


Victoria remains committed to passing on the knowledge she has on good nutrition. She highlights, “As Homes Industries, we continue to train farmers on good agricultural practices as well as nutritional empowerment sessions where communities are trained on food preparation, preservation and menu diversification methods. We do this because we are aware that we can only achieve great results if our communities that we work with/in are in good health.”


Read more on our women’s programmes here