Today is the International Day of the Girl Child. A day set aside by the United Nations General Assembly to celebrate the girl child, who often is left behind in development. This year’s theme is With Her: A Skilled Girl Force. As the Graça Machel Trust, this day is very special for us as we celebrate all the young girls and women in the Mara region of Tanzania where we are implementing a program to get children back into school.


The Mara region has high teenage pregnancy rates, child marriages and female genital mutilation (FGM) which negatively affects girls and denies them access to education. It was therefore out of our work on ending child marriage and reducing teenage pregnancies that the Trust and local NGOs realized the need to keep girls in school as the best chance they had to overcome poverty, improve the economic prospects of their families and achieve their dreams. This led to the establishment of the Mara-Out-Of-School Children project (MOOSC) which is funded by Educate Above All (@EAA) and is being implemented by the Trust in partnership with the Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Regional Administration, the Local Government and the Mara Alliance.



These girls to the Trust are not just number but they are human beings with faces, voices, hopes and dreams. Which is why we celebrate young girls like 15-year-old Daines Nyamagako from Bigutu Primary School who dropped out of school due to conflicts in the family and 16-year-old Deborah Kenganya from Keisangura Primary School in Tarime District who was at high risk of being forced into marriage.





Our goal for the project is to use access to quality education as a medium to nurture and equip girls and young women such as Deborah and Daines with the necessary skills to ensure they are employable on completion of their education.


So, on this day, together with our partners in Mara, we pledge to continue working towards ensuring girls are at the center of #SDG5 (Gender equality) and #SDG4 (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all) to ensure we do not leave any girl behind in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030.


Read more on our children’s rights programme here