Chileshe Kapwepwe is the first female Secretary General of COMESA!




18th July 2018, Lusaka, Zambia

We congratulate Ms. Chileshe Kapwepwe on her appointment as the first female Secretary General of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) on the 18th July 2018. The Women in Finance Network, New Faces New Voices (NFNV) is proud to have this African leader as part of the movement to empower women on the African continent. Ms. Kapwepwe is a dedicated member of our female leaders in the Zambia chapter of NFNV and the Trust values her leadership contributions.





Leah Diana Mitaba wins the Women in Business Awards 2018!



18th July 2018, Lusaka, Zambia

The Trust’s New Faces New Voices recognises its Zambian chapter member, Leah Diana Mitaba on being the 2018 top 10 finalist for the Empretec Women in Business Award during a colourful event that took place on 18th July, in Lusaka, Zambia. The United Nations conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) awarded Women in Business during this event which was jointly organised by UN Women and the Commonwealth Women Business Forum. The prestigious award seeks to celebrate exceptional businesswomen and is granted to women-owned businesses for the promotion of entrepreneurship in 40 developing countries for their outstanding achievements in running micro and small businesses. Leah is a recent graduate of the Women Creating Wealth programme and her business venture is called Butterfly Initiatives, a cooperative which produces fruits and vegetable. These awards seek to celebrate businesswomen who are excelling in their area of specialization and have been beneficiaries of UNCTAD’s global entrepreneurship training network. The winners of the award will be announced on the 25th of October, 2018 at the World Investment Forum, taking place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. We wish Leah all the best!




Sebenzile Nkambule gets awarded the Fulbright Humphrey Fellowship



We are proud of our Women in Media Network champion Sebenzile Nkambule for being awarded the Fulbright Humphrey Fellowship to study at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication in Phoenix, Arizona in the United States. Sebenzile was also selected to be part of the Obama Africa leaders programme. She was selected to be among the 200 rising leaders from 44 African countries. The one-year leadership development and civic engagement programme aims to train, support and connect emerging African leaders to create positive change in their communities. The programme was launched by former US President Barrack Obama on July 14, 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa.







Salome Mauki wins the Gender Lens Investing prize


Salome Mauki won the Gender Lens Investing prize. Salome is the Director of Dresa Modern Butchery. Dresa Modern Butchery is a retail meat company whose annual revenues averages $145,920 and her pitch investment ask was $45,000. The butchery operates in the capital of Tanzania, Dar es Salam.


“I feel encouraged and motivated by the decision of the judges to pick me as one of the winners. This is proof that others are seeing the need that I saw when I started my business to sell fresh beef, free range poultry products, fresh fish, domestic and a variety of  food spices.


Through this achievement, Salome hopes to increase butchery production and market share from 32 percent to 55 percent.


This was a great opportunity for Tanzania women entrepreneurs since the programme aims at improving their bankability and helps them engage with investors, build confidence and raise their business profiles. Prospective investors also get a chance to familiarize themselves with different components of gender lens in the region. Andia Chakava, who is the Kenya New Faces New Voices Chapter director said she was proud of the women’s efforts and achievements as such platforms help to improve investability and visibility.


Gender lens investing gives an opportunity to deploy capital meaningfully in the search of better outcomes for women and girls. It incorporates gender analysis within the financial analysis process and is about how gender informs how and what we value, how we balance power dynamics and therefore how we invest.


Andia Chakava: National Diversity and Inclusion Award 2018 winner!



29th June 2018, Nairobi, Kenya

Congratulations to our Investment Director Andia Chakava on being awarded the National Diversity and Inclusion Awards (DIAR) n. The DIAR Award is organized annually by Daima Trust Limited and it aims at celebrating excellent achievements of individuals and organizations who are champions of a more peaceful, united, equal and inclusive societies and it gives them recognition for their commitment and hard work.

“The award made me feel most accomplished and more inspired to boost our collective efforts to drive women economic empowerment in the continent. It was a humbling recognition by the Kenyan public to the efforts we have undertaken as New Faces New Voices Kenya with support from the Graca Machel Trust over the years… It is a demonstration that no matter how little resources you think you have, you are capable of making a difference and impacting lives. I thank the Graca Machel Trust for giving me a platform and shining a spotlight on our activities. Together we grow”. Andia Chakava- NFNV, Kenya.



Read more about the Women’s Economic and Social Advancement programme